Brandstetter’s KangaRoof is proud to support the US Military by offering a FREE roof to a tri-state military family in need. From now until early December, Brandstetter’s Kanga Roof is accepting applications from deserving armed forces veterans to be considered for the FREE roof giveaway.
Each applicant is required to provide their contact and service information, along with a heartfelt story explaining why the applicant deserves a new roof. The Brandstetter team will not be selecting a winner at random, but instead reading each of these submissions personally.
According to owner, Duane Brandstetter, the company is thrilled to be offering the giveaway again this year. In previous years, Duane has been blown away by the support & community involvement and is excited about the opportunity to help a veteran for the sacrifice they made for our country.
If you or someone you know is deserving and in need of a free roof and has served or country or is currently serving, please share this giveaway with them. It would be our honor to consider them for a free roof.