Five Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid

Shingles decaying and falling away

Renovating a home can be exciting, but it can also be stressful. Find out the most common mistakes with home renovation so you can avoid them!

1. Setting an unrealistic budget

It isn’t uncommon for the price of a home renovation to go up part way through. If you don’t budget for these overruns, you’ll have sticker shock. Rather than flip out when costs skyrocket, pad your budget with an extra 20 percent to cover any surprises.

2. Not considering the original architectural style

Is your home renovation going to complement or compete with the style of your home? While a new addition doesn’t have to be historically faithful, especially if you have a period home, it shouldn’t clash entirely.

3. Purchasing inexpensive, low-quality materials

The old saying about getting what you pay for is true: building materials are not a place to economize. If you skimp on materials, you will pay more over the lifetime of your home because you’ll need to replace them often. Rather than save a penny here or there looking for bargains, delay the home improvement until you can afford quality materials. Or seek financing that allows you to get the work done the right way and pay for it over time.

4. Choosing a contractor without doing your research

Choosing a contractor is one of the most important decisions you need to make when considering home improvement. Always get bids from several contractors so you can compare prices. Obtain references then call around, to make sure someone presents themselves truthfully. In being thorough, you’ll scare away any bad actors and ensure the person you hire truly knows what they are doing.

5. Underestimating what to expect you’re living in your home during renos

People often live in their homes during renovation, and they don’t always factor in how disruptive it can be. Prepare for this by assessing up front what to expect. Whether it’s noise consideration from an early crew, safety risks, or what to expect if a major system like plumbing needs to be shut off for part of the job, you need to know what you’re dealing with so you can make a plan.

Knowing what not to do, you can plan for a renovation and minimize unpleasant surprises. To get a free estimate for roofing work or any of our other services, please contact us today.