Often a homeowner will ask a roof replacement contractor about how long a roof service project will take to finish. It’s a common question, as roof replacement can disrupt daily life in the home. A homeowner also may have plans going on, such as an upcoming vacation, as they want the project completed before they leave.
There is no absolute answer to give because every roof project is different. The timeframe may be based on a variety of factors based on the complexity of the roof structure, the amount of damage, the replacement materials that are used, and the number of workers in the roofing crew. Here are some simple answers to this question.
Average Roof Replacement Time
Replacement roof service time may take a day for an average residence. An average residence would be a simple roof of 3,000 square feet with no other connecting roof structures, such as a connecting garage, chimneys, gables, or other roof projections.
Longer Roof Replacement Times
Always be prepared for longer roof times in case of inclement weather or if the roof replacement contractor discovers other problems when pulling up the old roofing materials. It may take an additional 3 days to 5 days if the roof contains a high number of angles, facets, valleys, hips, and complex pitches. Also, high roofs can take longer to complete due to the safety measures that the contractor implements to make it a safe roof service project for the workers.
Contractor Estimate
A roof replacement contractor should always give you an estimate regarding how long it will take for them to complete the project. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate. There may be additional factors that could prolong the time, such as getting the wrong materials delivered by the supplier, having a section of the roof inaccessible by landscaping, or other factors, and the weather making it unsafe to perform roof service. Their estimate will be based on the complexity of your home.
While contractors try to get your roof done as quickly as possible, it is always important to get the work done right the first time and in a safe manner. So it may take longer than what is expected. If you are interested in getting a roof replacement, reach out to Brandstetter’s KangaRoof. We can come and inspect your roof, then provide you with an estimate regarding the work and the cost. Contact our company today so we can get started on your project.